第一条 新生应持来华有效签证和《录取通知书》按期到国际交流学院办理报到注册手续(具体注册时间见学校开学通知)。因故不能如期报到者,应以书面形式向学院请假,未请假或请假未获同意且超出报到期限的取消入学资格。
第二条 新生来华后需按照我院安排到上海国际旅行卫生保健中心体检。经上海国际旅行卫生保健中心诊断,因健康原因不宜在华学习的新生,可以保留入学资格一年。保留入学资格者无学籍。在保留入学资格期内康复者,可以向学校申请入学。经体检合格后,重新办理入学手续。复查不合格或者逾期不办理入学手续者,取消入学资格。
第三条 新生应在报到注册时按学习期限一次性交纳学费,延长学籍的老生应在每学期结束前交纳下学期的学费。学习时间在六个月(含)以上的留学生必须购买由学校认可的、中国大陆境内合法经营的保险公司产品。
第四条 新生入学后需经汉语水平测试后分班。长期语言生在开学第一周可试听、换班,晚报到的学生可在报到后三天内试听、换班,需换班者应征得所去班级班主任同意,到教务办公室备案。期中考试后一周内可申请换班,平均分高于85分的学生可进入高一级别的班级;平均分低于50分的学生可进入低一级别的班级;未参加期中考试的学生不允许换班。平行班原则上不允许换班。
第六条 学生须按时完成教学计划规定的课程,积极参加学校统一组织的活动。须遵守考勤制度,因故不能上课者,须向学院请假。请假期间的出勤按正常考勤的50%计。凡未经请假或请假逾期者,一律视为旷课。对旷课学生,根据旷课时间多少、情节轻重,给予批评教育,直至行政处分。一学期累计旷课达60课时及以上者,给予警告;累计旷课达120课时及以上者,作退学处理,不予发放任何学习证明。
第七条 学生因病、因事不能上课,须办理请假手续。请假3天内(含3天)可填写请假单,由班主任审批;请假4--7天(含7天)者,经班主任审批后,再交辅导员签字,并交回班主任;请假8--21天(含21天)者,经班主任、辅导员审批后,还须经学院教学院长或教研中心主任审批签字,然后交回班主任。
第八条 学生因以下原因需请假,原则上可以批准:
第九条 学生不得无故缺课。如旷课达到应出勤课程1/3以上,不得参加考试,不颁发结业证书。
第十条 期末成绩评分以100分计,其中平时成绩占30%,期中考试成绩占30%,期末考试成绩占40%。若因故未能参加期中考试,期末总成绩构成为:平时成绩占30%,期末考试成绩占70%。
第十一条 所有课程的期末总平均成绩合格的学生,可在下一学期进入高一级的班级学习,申请跳级的学生需通过该级别的新学期分班考试。因故不能参加期末考试的,需在考试前提出申请,交学院审批通过,可参加学院在下一学期组织的补考(一般为开学第一周的分班考试日),补考及格,可升至高一级的班级学习。
第十二条 学生完成规定的课程且考试成绩合格,可获得结业证书。结业证书遗失不补,学生如有需要,可申请开具学习证明。
第十三条 成绩单和学习证明均可免费开具一份,从第二份起收费,收费标准参照学院收费管理规定。
第十四条 休学、复学与退学
1. 休学
2. 复学
3. 退学
第十五条 留学生因结业、休学、退学等原因离校时,应到留学生事务办公室领取《上海大学外国留学生离校手续单》,按流程办理离校手续。
第十六条 严禁酗酒、打架斗殴、聚众滋事、赌博、吸毒等违反治安管理规定的行为;不得在禁烟区内吸烟;
第十七条 学校内不得进行传教、宗教聚会等任何宗教活动;
第十八条 严禁蓄意破坏校园公共设施,损坏应予赔偿;
第十九条 严禁在网络上传播不健康内容,发表不文明或不真实的言论;
第二十条 严禁在宿舍、校园、居民小区内高声喧哗或使用音响设备制造噪音,影响他人生活;
第二十一条 严禁在校内驾驶无牌、无证车辆,严禁在校内超速行驶,严禁购买、驾驶经非法改装的机动车辆;
第二十二条 严禁翻越校门、围墙,冒用他人证件或将学生证借给非本校人员使用;
第二十三条 表彰奖励
第二十四条 违纪处分
Rules and Regulations of Shanghai University for Non-Degree Students (Language Students)
These rules and regulations apply to the long-term language students, inter-campus exchange students and students with supplementary Chinese learning.
Section One Admission and Registration
1. New students should arrive in time at the College of International Exchange to complete the registration procedure with their valid Chinese visa and letter of admission (The exact registration time is listed in the admission notice). Students who cannot arrive on time should submit a written application for leave to the college. If the student fails to ask for leave, or the request has not been approved, or if the applicant fails to register within their assigned registration period, then they will be disqualified from admission.
2. New students should go to the Shanghai International Travel Health Care Center to have a physical examination. If the result of the examination shows that the student’s health condition is not suitable for study, the student’s admission status can be deferred for up to one year without penalty.
Within that one year period, students who recover their health can apply to resume their studies with the university, and after the physical examination is verified, the students can complete the registration procedure. However, if the result of the physical examination shows that the student’s health condition has not improved or if the period has exceeded the one year time limit, those students will be disqualified from admission.
3. New students should pay the tuition fee in full for a whole semester at registration, while continuing students should make sure to pay all of the fees before the end of the semester. Students who study for six months or more must be covered under an insurance policy through an insurer that is able to legally operate in China and has been approved by the university.
4. New students will be divided into different classes after a Chinese language proficiency test. During the first week, long-term language students may attend class at a different language level and they may change their class within that first week period. Students who register late may also change their class within three days after registration. However, any class changes must be approved by the teacher-in-charge and the student must submit a formal request to the Teaching Affairs Office. Students can also apply for a class change within one week after the mid-term examination. If the student’s average score is above 85, the student can enter a higher level class. If the average score is below 50, the student can enter a lower level class. Students who don’t take the mid-term examination are not able to change their classes. Generally, students can only change their class if it’s to a different level.
5. If one wants to apply for extension after his study period is done, he must inform his counselor and register for the second semester prior to July 15th or January 15th. And once the deadline has passed, he has to reapply for admission as a new student.
Section Two Attendance and Disciplines
6. Students should follow the teaching plans and schedules and participate in activities held by the school. Students should abide by the attendance rules and if they cannot attend class, students are required to ask for leave from the college. Students who have leave approval will be recorded as half attendance. However, students who have not applied for leave or have missed the deadline will be regarded as playing truant. Students playing truant will be punished accordingly in light of the time duration and the seriousness of the case. During one semester, students who play truant for 60 class-hours or more will be given a warning; Students who play truant for 120 class-hours or more will be expelled from the school without any study certificates.
7. Students who ask for sick leave or personal affairs must go through certain formalities. A three-day (or less) leave must be approved by the teacher-in-charge with signature on the application form. A student who wishes to take a four to seven day leave must first apply to the teacher-in-charge, and then have the form signed by their counselor before returning it to their teacher-in-charge. Students who wish to take an eight to twenty-one day leave must first get the application form approved by their teacher-in-charge, as well as their counselor and the dean of the Teaching Center before finally submitting the form to the teacher-in-charge. Holidays and festivals will not be counted as part of the student’s period of leave. The leave duration should not exceed 21 days and the accumulated time duration for leave in a semester must not exceed 40 days.
8. Guidelines for Specific Situations
(1)A more than five day leave due to health reasons must be proved by some medical certificates from the hospital.
(2)Leave for emergencies or other important matters must be approved by certain certificates and handed over to the college for verification.
(3)Leave due to participation in competitions or activities held by the university must be accompanied by the Letter of Certification signed by the teacher concerned.
Section Three Examination and Completion of Schooling
9. If the amount of truancy exceeds one third of all the classes, the student will be disqualified from attending the examinations and will not receive a course-completion certificate.
10. The final score is out of one hundred, in which daily performance accounts for 30%, the mid-term examination is 30% and the final examination is 40%. If students don’t take the mid-term examination, then the final examination will account for 70% of the total and the daily performance count for 30%.
11. Only if your final term GPA (Grade Point Average) has met the required scores will you be permitted to advance to the higher level class in the following term. Students who apply to skip a level must pass the new-semester placement test for that class. If the student is unable to take the final examination, the student needs to submit an application in advance before the exam and be approved by the college. If the application is approved, then the students can take the make-up examination in the next semester (often during the day of the placement test). Once the make-up examination is qualified, the student can then advance to the higher class.
12. Students can obtain a Certificate of Completion after fulfilling the required classes and passing the exams. If the Certificate of Completion is lost, it cannot be reissued, but if necessary, the school will issue a study certificate.
13. Transcript and study certificates are issued for free for one time only. Additional copies will be charged according to the college charging rules.
14. Suspension of Schooling; Reentry to School; Drop out of School
(1) Suspension of Schooling
Students may suspend their studies for one or two semesters. If the students have to suspend schooling, they need to submit an application to the college within one week after the new semester begins. After the college’s approval, the students can go through all the formalities and the tuition fees are valid for up to one year. After that one year period, if the students don’t go through reentry procedures, they will be dismissed from the school.
(2) Reentry to School
If the student wishes to resume their studies, they must first submit a reentry application and get approved by the college, before going through all the reentry and registration formalities.
(3) Drop out of School
Students who want to drop-out of school need to fill out the application form, hand it over to the counselor for approval. Once approved, the students can go through the formalities of study-visa alteration and leaving school.
15. Students who leave school, either permanently or long-term, should go to the Affairs Office to get the Shanghai University International Students Leaving School Procedures Form and then go through all the formalities.
Section Four Code of Conduct
16. Students are forbidden to drink excessively, to fight, to mob, to gamble, to take drugs and to do anything else that violates public security. Additionally, smoking in a non-smoking zone is also forbidden.
17. Any religious activities, such as preaching and religious meetings, are forbidden on school campus.
18. Deliberate damage to school property is strictly prohibited and any damage should be compensated.
19. It is forbidden to act inappropriately or illegally on the Internet.
20. It is strictly prohibited to make loud noise in the dormitory, campus or residential areas.
21. Unlicensed vehicles and speeding are forbidden on campus. Students mustn’t buy or drive illegally refurbished motor vehicles.
22. Climbing over the school gate or wall is forbidden. Additionally, using others’ credentials or lending credentials to people from outside is strictly prohibited.
Section Five Rewards and Punishment
23. Commendation and Awards
For the students with top high scores or outstanding performances in other aspects, the school will grant a honor of “Excellent Students” to them and award them with certificates and prizes.
The “Excellent Students” will enjoy privilege when applying for scholarships and further study in our university.
24. Punishment Sanction
(1) As for the students who violate any rules and regulations, they will be given the “sanction of criticism”; the student might be fined and a notice of criticism will be circulated. In serious cases, an administrative sanction might be given. And the administrative sanction includes a warning, recording of demerit and expulsion. If a scholarship-student is punished, his or her scholarship will be suspended or canceled.
(2) Students who violate the law will be handed over to the judicial department. The school will handle the situation in accordance with the judicial department.
(3) Students who have received three warnings or two demerits will be expelled from the school.