第一条 对有违法、违规、违纪行为的学生,视其情节轻重分别给予下列纪律处分:
第二条 留校察看以一年为期。毕业班学生可以酌情缩短留校察看期,但不得少于半年。受留校察看处分的学生,在察看期内对错误有深刻认识并有进步表现,可按期予以解除留校察看期;有突出进步表现者可提前予以解除留校察看期。经教育不改或在察看期内再次有违纪行为者给予开除学籍处分。
第三条 对违反国家法律、法规,受到司法或公安部门处罚者,可相应给予以下处分:
第四条 从事或组织危害国家安全活动者,分别给予下列处分:
第五条 凡收看、制作、传播色情淫秽或有严重政治问题的文字、图片、声音或图像的书刊、磁带、录像和光盘等物品者,分别给予以下处分:
第六条 对结伙斗殴、殴打他人或侵犯他人人身权利者,应给予如下处分,并作相应的经济赔偿:
第七条 偷窃、诈骗或破坏公共或他人财物者,除追回赃物或赔偿经济损失外,根据情节和后果,给予严重警告、记过、留校察看或开除学籍处分。凡属撬窃等情节严重者,视情节轻重给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第八条 对进行赌博或变相赌博者,视其情节轻重给予以下处分:
第九条 学生使用校园网络必须遵守《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法》,凡违反者,按照《上海大学学生使用校园计算机信息网络管理办法(暂行)》处理。
第十条 有下列行为者,给予相应处分:
9. 有严重违反《高等学校学生行为准则》的,视情节轻重给予警告直至开除学籍处分。
第十一条 侵犯他人民主权利和人身权利,除承担相应的法律责任和经济赔偿外,按下列规定给予处分:
第十二条 学生上课(包括必修课和选修课)、实习、劳动、时事政治学习、社会调查、军事技能、首日教育等都实行考勤,因故不能参加者,必须请假。学生请病假,须有校医务部门的病假单或经校医院盖章确认的校外医院病假单;请事假,必须陈述原因。凡一周以上的假应由学院(系)领导审核批准,凡未请假、请假未批准、请假逾期未续假、病假无证明者均按实际课时计为旷课;上课累计迟到或早退三次,按旷课1学时计;迟到或早退15分钟以上者,按旷课1学时计。
第十三条 学生必须遵守考试与考场纪律,凡违反考试或考场纪律的,按《上海大学学生考试违纪、作弊行为界定及处分规定》处理。
第十四条 剽窃、抄袭他人研究成果,情节严重的,给予开除学籍处分。
第十五条 有下列情况之一者,加重处分直至开除学籍:
第十六条 凡受违纪处分者,取消当年度奖学金评定的资格。
第十七条 违纪处分的程序及审批权限:
第十八条 允许违纪学生对处分决定提出申辩、申诉和保留不同意见。违纪处分决定书下达之后,如被处分的学生对学校的处分或处理决定有异议,可在接到处分决定或公告期满之日起5个工作日内依据事实向学校学生申诉处理委员会提出书面申诉。学生申诉处理委员会对学生提出的申诉进行复查,并在接到书面申诉之日起15个工作日内做出复查结论并告知申诉人。需要改变原处分或处理决定的,由学生申诉处理委员会提交学校校长会议重新研究决定。
第十九条 学生如对学校的复查决定仍有异议,可在接到学校复查决定书之日起15个工作日内向上海市教育委员会提出申诉。
第二十条 本规定由上海大学学生工作办公室负责解释。
第二十一条 本规定自2009年8月21日起施行。
Shanghai University Regulations for Student Punishment
In order to strength school-spirit construction, ensure teaching order, provide better environment for studying and living, and standardize regulations for student punishment, our university will give disciplinary punishment to students depending on seriousness of discipline violation, on the basis of truth and fact, combining education with penalty, investigation and evidence. According to < public order management and punishment law of people’s republic of china>,
, and other regulations, we make the following rules.
Article 1 For students who violate the laws, the rules and the disciplines, the university will give them the following punishment depending on the seriousness:
1. Warning; 2. Serious warning; 3. Demerit; 4. Probation; 5.Expel
Article 2 Probation lasts for one year. It can be shorter for graduating students, but no less than half a year. During the probation, students who have deep introspection and behave well, can be relieved on time. Those who have great progress, can be relieved earlier. Those who break rules again, will get expelled.
Article 3 For those who violate national laws and rules, being punished by judiciary or police, will get the following punishment:
1. Those who are warned and fined by the police, will get a demerit or probation depending on seriousness;
2. Those who get detention and reeducation through labor from the police, will get probation.
3. Those who violate national laws and commit a crime, will get expelled.
Article 4 Those who commit or organize a crime of endangering national public security, will get the following punishment:
1. Those who post and spread leaflets, slogans, banners, comics that endanger national public security, and those who organize and incite a trouble which disturb social orders, will get probation or get expelled depending on the seriousness;
2. Those who lead illegal organizations, demonstrations and associations, will get expelled.
Article 5 Those who watch, make and spread pornographic or serious political words, pictures, audio or image books, tapes, records, disks and other materials, will get following punishment:
1.For those who watch:
(1) Give a warning to first-time offenders who have good attitude; give a serious warning to those who have awful attitude;
(2) Give a serious warning to re-offenders.
2. For those who make, spread (duplicate, project, spread, rent, sell, and so on):
(1) Those who can correct themselves after education, not leading to a negative effect, will get a demerit.
(2) Those who lead to a negative effect, will get probation;
(3) Those who are incorrigible or seriously disturb teaching orders or social orders, will get expelled.
Article 6 Those who take part in gang fighting, assault other people or infringe other people’s personal rights will get following punishment corresponding to financial compensation:
1. Those who plan the gang fighting and pick a quarrel ,will get expelled.
2. Those who assault other people, causing bodily harm, after being identified, will get a serious warning, a demerit, probation or get expelled.
3. Those who do not take part in fighting, but provoke a fight or provide a weapon or incline to either side that lead to an escalation, will get a demerit, probation or get expelled .
4. Those who interfere the investigation or conceal facts, will get a demerit or up.
Article 7 Those who steal, defraud, or damage public or private property, will get a serious warning, or a demerit, or probation or get expelled depending on seriousness in addition to returning stolen property or compensating financial loss. Those who commit a crime of burglary will get probation or get expelled depending on the seriousness.
Article 8 Those who are involved in gambling or in a disguised way of gambling will get the following punishment:
1.Those who are first-time offenders ,will get a demerit or probation;
2.Those who are re-offenders, will get probation or get expelled.
3.Those who provide conditions for gambling, will get probation;
4.Those who induce or force other people to gamble, will get expelled from the university.
Article 9 When using campus Internet, students must abide by and < regulations of computer information network and internet security, protection and management of people’s republic of china>. Anyone who violates the regulations will be punished according to < regulations for shanghai university student campus internet usage and computer information network management (temporary)>.
Article 10 Those who have the following behaviors will get relevant punishment:
1.Those who scribble and post without authorization in the public places, that damages university’s reputation , will get a warning or a serious warning.
2.Those who use electricity in the dorm illegally, and refuse to correct themselves ,will get a warning or a serious warning.
3.Those who get drunk or make trouble in the university or in other public places, and those who damage and burn public property that undermines public orders, will get a demerit or up depending on the seriousness.
4.Those who damage the university property, will get a demerit or up depending on the consequence.
5.Those who refuse or object to cooperate with national staffs and university administrators, will get a demerit or up.
6.Those who catch a fire that causes a fire failure, will get a demerit or up in addition to financial compensation.
7.Those who violate the operation rules and disciplines during study and experiment that lead to loss of people, money and property, will get a warning or up to get expelled depending on the seriousness.
8.Those who have members of the opposite gender stay overnight in their dorm, will get probation or get expelled.
9.Those who seriously violate will get probation or up to get expelled depending on the seriousness.
Article 11 Those who infringe other people’s democratic rights and personal rights, will get the following punishment as well as undertake the relevant legal responsibility and financial compensation:
1. Those who insult and slander other people by words or behavior that do not lead to a serious influence and can correct themselves after being educated, will get a demerit or probation; those who lead to a serious influence will get expelled.
2. Those who illegally detain, conceal, damage, open, claim other people’s letter, package, bill of exchange, or other mails will get a warning or a serious warning or a demerit or probation depending on seriousness.
3. Those who impede other people’s legal rights or restrict other people’s personal freedom that has a harmful impact on learning, living and working, will get a demerit or up.
4. Those who make fake proofs, fake credentials, fake signatures or seals, will get probation or get expelled depending on the seriousness.
Article 12 Students who cannot attend the classes (compulsory and elective), internship, labor activities, politics study, social researches, military skills, and orientation, must ask for leave. If ask for sick leave, the students must have a certificate provided by university hospital or a certificate provided by other hospitals but approved by university hospital; if ask for personal leave, the students must state reasons. Any absence that is more than one week, should be approved by college(department). Anyone who does not ask for leave or leave with the request unapproved or does not extend the absence or leave without certificate, will be regarded as absenteeism; anyone who is late for class or leave earlier for three times, will be considered as being absent from one class hour; anyone who is late for class or leave earlier more than 15 minutes, will be considered as being absent from one class hour.
Those who are absent from class up to the following class hours will get corresponding punishment:
1. Warning for up to 10 class hours;
2. Demerit for up to 20 class hours.
Article 13 Students must abide by examination disciplines. Those who violate the rules, will be punished according to .
Article 14 Those who plagiarize or copy other people’s research achievement, will get expelled.
Article 15 Those who are under one of the following circumstances, will get more severe punishment up to get expelled:
1. Those who refused to correct themselves;
2. Those who threaten and take revenge on prosecutors and witnesses;
3. Those who violate the regulations for the second time;
4. Those who violate the regulations for the third time, will get expelled.
Article 16 Those who get punishment, have no qualification of scholarship evaluation.
Article 17 The procedure and the power of giving punishment:
1. When the colleges (departments) punish students, according to this regulation, in the ways of warning, serious warning and demerit, these colleges (departments) should report to the Office of Student Affairs and get an approval;
2. When the colleges (departments) punish students, according to this regulation, in the way of probation, these colleges (departments) should report to the Office of Student Affairs and propose preliminary opinions. Office of Student Affairs will draw up a punishment report and get an approval from president;
3. When the colleges (departments) decide to expel the students according to this regulation, these colleges (departments) should report to the Office of Student Affairs and propose preliminary opinions. Office of Student Affairs will draw up a punishment report and send it to president conference. The final decision has to be submitted to Shanghai Municipal Education Committee and put on record.
4. The university should patiently and seriously educate the students who violate disciplines. Before making the punishment decision, the department which proposes the punishment, should tell the facts, reasons and evidence to the student, and listen to the student and his agent’s statements and explanations as well as make a record. The decision of the punishment should be sent to the student by his college (department) in one week. The one which cannot be sent, can be announced in the university. The announcement period is seven days. It is considered as being delivered upon expiration of announcement.
Article 18 Those who violate the disciplines are allowed to defend, propose an appeal and keep objections. After the decision is made, if the punished student has objections, according to the facts, he can propose a written appeal to Student Appeal Committee in five days after receiving the decision or after the expiration of the announcement. Student Appeal Committee will reexam the appeal, make a decision and inform the claimant in 15 business days. If the original punishment changes, student Appeal Committee will report to the president conference of the university and get a new approval.
Article 19 These who still have objections to the reexamination, can propose an appeal to Shanghai Municipal Education Committee in 15 business days after receiving the reexamination report.
Article 20 Shanghai University Office of Student Affairs is responsible for the interpretation of the regulation.
Article 21 This regulation shall go into effect as of August 21, 2009.