
创建时间:  2016/07/02  黄 浩   浏览次数:   返回


第一章 关于各类考试违纪和作弊行为的界定
第一条 考试违纪行为:
第二条 考试作弊行为:
1. 以任何形式携带与考试内容相关的文字材料或者存储有与考试内容相关资料的电子设备参加考试的;
2. 未经监考教师同意,擅自使用电子词典、计算器等电子类工具的;
3. 在桌面、手上、物品等处画写与考试课程有关的内容的;
4. 考查科目中抄袭他人成果的;
5. 翻阅、偷看、抄袭、协助他人抄袭试题答案或者与考试内容相关的资料的;
6. 考试过程中借故离开考场,在考场外偷看有关内容或与他人交谈有关内容的;
7. 已传、已接、交换、擅自拿他人试卷、答卷、草稿纸、纸条的;
8. 在考试过程中抢夺、窃取他人试卷、答案或者强迫他人为自己抄袭提供方便的;
9. 故意损毁试卷、答案或者考试材料的;
10. 考前偷取考试试卷的;
11. 在考试过程中使用通讯设备的;
12. 由他人冒名代替参加考试的或者替他人参加考试的;
13. 组织作弊的;
第三条 教育考试机构、考试工作人员在考试过程中或者在考试结束后发现下列行为之一的,应当认定相关的考生实施了考试作弊行为:

第二章 关于各类考试违纪和作弊行为的处分
第四条 考试违纪行为的处分。
1. 界定为第一条第1至7款者,给予警告处分;
2. 界定为第一条第8至13款者,视情节轻重和违纪者态度,给予严重警告或记过处分;
3. 界定为第一条第14款者,视情节轻重,给予警告、严重警告或记过处分。.
第五条 考试作弊行为的处分。
第六条 考试违纪者,若有下列情形,给予留校察看直至开除学籍处分;考试作弊者,若有下列情形,给予开除学籍处分。
1. 行为人态度或行为恶劣的;
2. 不听从监考教师执行考场规定,应离开考场而拒绝离开的,或应留在考场而擅自离开的;
3. 扰乱考场秩序的;
5. 其他严重违反考场纪律的。
第七条 凡因考试违纪或作弊已被处分过,在考试中再次违纪或作弊者,从重处分直至给予开除学籍处分。
第八条 按本规定给予学生处分时,由上海大学教务部门提出初审处理意见,并由上海大学学工办审核后报主管校领导审批。
第九条 对上述处分决定有异议者,可依程序向上海大学学生申诉处理委员会办公室提出申诉。

第三章 附 则
第十条 本规定由上海大学教务处负责解释,任何上述规定中未包含之内容均由教务处负责决定处理方法。
第十一条 本规定自2008年3月4日起施行。2007年8月发布的《上海大学学生考试违纪、作弊行为界定及处分规定》同时废止。

The Regulations for Punishment and Limit of Shanghai University Students’ Discipline Violations and Cheating Behaviors in Examination

Section One: The Limit of Discipline Violations and Cheating Behaviors in the Examination
Article 1 Discipline rules:
1.Do not bring irrelevant stuff into the examination room;
2.Do not sit in the wrong seat;
3.Do not answer questions before the examination begins or after the examination’s over;
4.Do not borrow calculator, books or notebooks from other students in an open-book examination without permission;
5.Do not clean up the table and the chair, except the permitted books and materials in the open-book examination;
6.Do not open the test paper without permission;
7.Do not peep, head to head, or give signals to each other during the examination;
8.Do not make loud noises, smoke or do other things which affects the test order in examination room and other forbidden areas;
9.Do not leave the examination room without permission during the test;
10.Do not take test paper, answer sheet, or draft paper out of examination room;
11.Do not use the pen or paper which is not allowed to answer questions, write name, or ID number in the forbidden area. or Do not make other signals on the test paper;
12.Do not take communication equipment to the examination;
13.Do not make fake attendance in morning exercise and extracurricular activities;
14.Do not do other unusual behaviors in examination.
Article 2 Cheating:
1.Do not bring any relevant written materials or electronic equipment to the examination;
2.Do not use electronic tools, such as electronic dictionary and calculator, without permission;
3.Do not write related content on the desk, hand and other stuff;
4.Do not copy other students’ answers;
5.Do not read, peep, copy, help other student copy answers or other related materials;
6.Do not leave the examination room to peep through relevant content or discuss with other students out of the room during the test ;
7.Do not hand over, accept, exchange, or take other student’s test paper, answer sheet, draft paper and notes.
8.Do not grab and steal other student’s test paper and answer sheet, or force other student to help cheat during the test;
9.Do not intentionally damage the test paper, answer sheet or other test materials;
10.Do not steal test paper before examination;
11.Do not use communication equipment during the test;
12.Do not have other students take your test, and do not take the test for other students;
13.Do not participate in group cheating;
14.Do not do other cheating behaviors.
Article 3 Educational examination institute and the staff should affirm that the student has cheated in the examination when they found one of the following behaviors during the test or after the test:
1.By stealing, making fake credential, certificate, document, test paper or other materials to get the qualification and the result of the test;
2.Exam makers can identify the answers and confirm the cheating behavior together with the department concerned
3.If the discipline and the order of the test is out of control, everyone will be suspected as cheating;
4.For any attending students, cheating behavior can be confirmed after the exam.
5.Other cheating behaviors could be confirmed.

Section Two Punishment for discipline violations and cheating behaviors
Article 4 Punishment for violation:
Those who violate the disciplines should be disqualified.
1. Those who violate No.1 to No.7 of article 1, will get a warning;
2. Those who violate No.8 to No.14 of article 1, will get a warning and demerit (depending on the seriousness and the attitude);
3. Those who violate No.14 of article 1, will get punishment of warning, serious warning or demerit depending on the seriousness
Article 5 Punishment for Cheating Behaviors:
Those who cheat in the examination should be disqualified.
Those who violate No.1 to No.14 of article 2, and No.1 to No.5 of article 3, will get probation or expelled (depending on the seriousness)
Article 6 Those who violate the disciplines and have one of the following behaviors, will get probation or expelled; those who cheat on the test and have one of the following behaviors, will get expelled.
1. Students who have awful attitude and behavior;
2.Students who do not listen to the teachers, follow the rules, leave the examination room without permission, refuse to leave or stay the examination room when asked to.
3. Students who disturb the test order;
4. Students who lead to severe consequence;
5. Other serious violations.
Article 7 Those who are caught cheating once again, will get more serious punishment or will get expelled.
Article 8 Educational Administrative Department of Shanghai University will propose preliminary opinions when giving punishment to students according to this regulation. Then Student Affair Office of Shanghai University will verify it and report it to university authorities to get approval.
Article 9 Those who have objections can propose an appeal to the Office of Shanghai University Student Appeals Committee by following the relevant regulations and procedures.

Section Three Appendix
Article 10 Shanghai university administration office is responsible for the interpretation of this regulation.
Article 11 This regulation was in effect as of March 4, 2008. The Regulations for Punishment and Limit of Shanghai University Students’ Discipline Violations and Cheating Behaviors in Examination published in August, 2007 is abolished.


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