
创建时间:  2016/03/02  黄 浩   浏览次数:   返回

第一章 学籍管理
第一条 入学与注册
第二条 考核与成绩记载
第三条 学制与学习年限
1、 硕士研究生的学制为2~3年,博士研究生学制为3年,各类别研究生学制以培养方案规定为准。
第四条 转专业与转学
4、 对下列情况之一者,不予转学:
第五条 休学与复学
1、研究生因病、 创业或因事(包括生育)需要分阶段完成学业的,或者学校认为应当休学者,经学校批准,可以休学。
6、 研究生在休学期间,暂不享受在校学习研究生各项待遇。若违法、违纪,学校将取消其复学资格,按我校相关违纪处分条例处理。
7、 休学期满前一周应按要求申请复学,逾期未办理复学手续者,视为自动放弃学籍。被取消学籍、退学、开除学籍的研究生,不得申请复学。
第六条 退学
2、 研究生本人申请退学,经导师和学科、学院审核同意,报研究生院审批,准予退学。
第七条 毕业、结业与肄业

第二章 校园秩序与课外活动
第八条 学校维护校园正常秩序,保障学生的正常学习和生活。
第九条 学生应当自觉遵守公民道德规范,自觉遵守《上海大学校园公共秩序安全管理规定》,共同创造文明、整洁、优美、安全的学习和生活环境。不得有酗酒、打架斗殴、赌博、吸毒,传播、复制、贩卖非法书刊和音像制品等违反治安管理规定的行为;不得参与非法传销和进行邪教、封建迷信活动;不得从事或参与有损研究生形象、有损社会公德的活动。
第十条 任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。
第十一条 研究生可在校内组织、参加学生团体。研究生成立团体,须提出包括团体宗旨、章程、活动内容、形式和负责人等内容的书面申请,报国交学院批准后上报。学生团体应在宪法、法律法规和学校管理制度范围内活动,接受学校的领导和管理。
第十二条 学校提倡并支持研究生及研究生团体开展有益于身心健康的学术、科技、艺术、文娱、体育等活动。
第十三条 学校鼓励、支持和指导研究生参加社会实践、社会服务和开展勤工助学活动,并根据实际情况给予必要帮助。
第十四条 研究生举行大型集会、游行、示威活动,须按法律程序和有关规定获得批准。严禁研究生参加、举行未获批准的游行、示威、大型集会等活动。
第十五条 研究生使用计算机网络,须遵循国家关于网络使用的有关规定和《上海大学学生使用校园计算机信息网络管理办法》。
第十六条 图书馆、阅览室、教室、画室、实验室、体育娱乐场馆、食堂、宿舍等学生学习、生活的场所,其设备是国家财产,研究生有责任爱惜和保护,损坏应予赔偿。
第十七条 出入校门和在校内会客要遵守《上海大学校门管理制度》,主动接受门卫管理。
第十八条 研究生应当遵守《上海大学留学生公寓管理规定》等有关规定,积极配合公寓管理人员维持留学生公寓秩序。
第三章 奖励与处分
第十九条 对学业成绩、科技创造、体育运动及社会服务等方面表现突出的学生,学院、学校给予给予表彰和奖励。
第二十条 对研究生的表彰和奖励可采取授予“优秀学生”称号或其他荣誉称号、颁发奖学金等多种形式的精神鼓励或物质奖励。
第二十一条 对有违法、违规、违纪行为的学生,学校可视其情节轻重,给予批评教育或纪律处分(详见《上海大学研究生违纪处分规定》、《上海大学研究生考试违纪、作弊行为界定及处分规定》)。
第二十二条 纪律处分的种类分为:
第二十三条 有下列情形之一者,学校可给予开除学籍的处分:
第二十四条 学校对研究生的处分,要做到程序正当、证据充足、依据明确、定性准确、处分恰当。
第二十五条 学校在对研究生作出处分决定之前,应听取学生或其代理人的陈述和申辩。
第二十六条 对研究生作出开除学籍处分决定,须由校长会议讨论决定。
第二十七条 对研究生所作的处分,由学校出具处分决定书,并送交本人。对研究生开除学籍的处分决定书,报上海市教育委员会备案。
第二十八条 对研究生的处分决定书包括处分和处分事实、理由及依据。并告知研究生可提出申诉及申诉的期限。
第二十九条 对研究生的奖励和处分材料,学校应当真实完整地归入学校文书档案和本人档案。

第四章 附 则
第三十条 本规定的解释权在上海大学研究生院、党委研究生工作部。
第三十一条 本规定自发布之日起施行。其他有关文件规定与本规定不一致的,以 本规定为准。

Rules and Regulations of Shanghai University for International Post-Graduate Students

Section One Registration Status
1. Admission and Registration
(1) All the newly-admitted students who are enrolled according to the enrollment regulations of China must register at the university on the specified date with offer letter and relevant documents prescribed by the university. Students unable to register on schedule for some reasons should ask for leave in written form with relevant certificates in advance, and the leave of absence should not exceed two weeks; the admission qualification of students will be canceled if they fail to complete registration procedures on time for no reason or their leaves of absence are overdue.
(2) After enrollment, the university will carry out the verification procedures for new students according to enrollment regulations of China. Verified students are allowed to register at the university. Students who fail to pass verification will be treated in accordance with particular situations. Their admission qualification will be canceled in the severe case.
Students who commit fraud, once verified, will be dismissed and their registration will be canceled at any time.
(3) For new students suffering from diseases and being diagnosed by Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center to be inappropriate to study but qualified after short-term treatment, their admission qualification will be retained for a year after approved by university. Student whose qualification for admission is retained is not an officially registered student. After recovery, the student must present "application for entrance" to graduate school in written form one month before the beginning of next academic year. Only after being diagnosed by Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center to be eligible for physical examination requirement for entrance, can he go through admission procedures. The admission qualification will be canceled if the student is unqualified or he fails to go through admission procedures on time.
(4) During the first-day education of school in each semester, graduate students must return to school on schedule and go through registration procedures in College of International Exchange and colleges that their majors belong to. For those who are unable to return to school and register on schedule for some reasons, they must ask for leave from College of International Exchange and colleges that their majors belong to in written form ahead of time. Students who are approved should return to school within the prescribed time and make up registration procedures.
(5) Self-supporting graduate students should pay full amount of tuition and accommodation of that year within the prescribed time in the first semester of each academic year, or they are not allowed to register.
2 .Assessment and Result Record
(1) Graduate students must take part in the assessment of courses stipulated in educational teaching program and all kinds of teaching activities (hereinafter referred to as courses) of university. The result of assessment is recorded into result list and incorporated into personal files.
(2) Assessment is divided into examination and test. Teachers are eligible to determine the assessment method by themselves according to the requirement of course syllabus. The assessment may adopt flexible and diversified methods, such as written examination, oral examination or combination of written examination and oral examination, etc. The assessment can be carried out in form of close-book examination and other forms like course paper, reading report, or evaluation of experimental skills, etc. The grades of graduate examination courses adopt hundred-mark system. For grades of test courses, they also adopt “pass” and “fail” in addition to hundred-mark system.
(3) Graduate students must retake failed courses (in our university, academic result no less than 60 is pass, no less than 75 is fair). But if doctoral candidates fail two or more degree courses, research graduate students fail three or more degree courses and compulsory courses, and graduate students for professional degree fail three or more degree courses and non-degree courses, they are not allowed to retake the courses and will be ordered to withdraw. The postgraduate courses could be retaken if the result is less than 75. The result of retaken courses higher than 75 is marked as 75; the result of retaken courses less than 75 is marked with actual retaken result.
(4) Credits or courses taken in the term and academic year during graduate level are carried out according to relevant regulations of postgraduate students training program. Students who return to school after suspension of schooling and resume the status after retaining entrance qualification must personally apply for attending class from College of International Exchange and colleges that their majors belong to in the first week of school in each semester.
(5) Graduate students can apply for auditing and taking elective courses of other specializations under the guidance of supervisors. After taking elective courses, they must take examinations and the results will be listed on transcript.
For those who need to take courses at other schools, before taking the courses, they should file an application in person and have the consent of supervisor, college and graduate school on the premise that they have the consent of other schools and they can guarantee the quality of courses. The results (credits) of courses taken in other schools are recognized after going through the review process of graduate school.
(6) For graduate students violating disciplines of assessment and constituting cheat in certain course, the examination results of the course are marked zero. For students given disciplinary probation or below, they are allowed to apply for retake the courses before graduation if they really show true repentance and make obvious progress after education.
(7) If graduate students cannot participate in the activities specified in education and teaching program on time, they should ask for leave from college (department) in advance and gain approval. Unapproved leave will be counted as absenteeism. The corresponding punishments are given to those whose absences reach a total of following period within a semester:
A. Warning is given to those who are absent above (including) ten hours, below fifteen hours or above (including) two days, below four days;
B. Severe warning is given to those who are absent above (including) fifteen hours, below twenty hours or above (including) four days, below seven days;
C. Demerit recording is given to those who are absent above (including) twenty hours, below thirty hours or above (including) seven days, below ten days;
D. Disciplinary probation is given to those who are absent above (including) thirty hours or above (including) ten days.
3. Educational system and Length of Schooling
(1) The length of schooling of graduate students for master degree is two to three years; the length of schooling of doctoral students is three years; the length of schooling of different types of graduate students is subject to the regulations of different training program.
(2) The length of schooling of graduate students for master degree shall not exceed six years (including suspension of schooling); the length of schooling of doctoral students shall not exceed eight years (including suspension of schooling).
Graduate students should complete learning tasks within the prescribed length of schooling. The graduate students who fail to complete learning tasks within the length of schooling for special reasons must submit application in person before expected date of graduation to extend length of schooling appropriately after being consented by supervisor and college and approved by graduate school, but it should not exceed the longest length of schooling.
4 .Change of Major and College Transfer
(1) Generally, the College of International Exchange don’t accept the application for tutor or major changes.
(2) Graduate students generally should finish study on campus. They are allowed to apply for university transfer in the event that they suffer illness or encounter some special difficulties or have other impersonal reasons which make them unable to continue the study except for school transfer.
(3) After graduate students enter dissertation period, their application for school transfer will no longer be processed.
(4) Students are not allowed to transfer in one of the following circumstances:
A. Entrance is less than one semester;
B. Transfer is from low education level to high education level;
C. Students who are asked to drop out of school;;
D. Other circumstances without justified reasons.
5. Suspension of Schooling and Reentry
(1) Graduate students is allowed to suspend schooling after approval from school if they have to finish study by stages due to illness, entrepreneurship or business (including fertility) or they are considered to be those who should suspend schooling by school.
(2) The suspension of schooling application is processed in unit of semester or academic year for graduate students. Students leave school after handling suspension of schooling procedures and school retain their registration. Students can continue to apply for suspension of schooling if they still cannot go back to school when suspension is expired only if they accord with the provisions of longest length of schooling, while the accumulated time of suspension should not exceed two academic years. During the period of suspension, graduate students do not enjoy the treatment of graduate students on campus.
(3) Graduate students must handle suspension of schooling procedures if their absences exceed five weeks due to illness or business. When suspension is expired, students should handle reentry procedures one week before the date of reentry; students suspending schooling for illness should handle relevant reentry procedures with certificates of second A or above hospitals designated by school showing that their reexaminations are qualified.
(4) During the academic year, if students participate in all kinds of activities relating to study more than three months, such as academic exchange and study visit abroad which are not organized by school, they should handle procedures on suspension of schooling and reentry procedures after they return school on schedule.
(5) When handling procedures of suspension of schooling, students generally should submit applications to counselor, supervisor, college or department in written forms with relevant certificates in person and ask for verification from college or department and approval from College of International Exchange.
(6) During the leave of absence, students do not enjoy all kinds of treatment of graduate students on campus temporarily. If they commit any disciplinary or legal offense, their reentry qualification will be canceled and they will be punished according to relevant regulations for punishment of discipline violation of our university.
(7)Students should apply for reentry as required one week before the expiry of suspension of schooling. Students who do not handle reentry procedures after expiry are considered to give up registration automatically. Graduate students who dropped out of school or whose enrollment status are canceled or expelled are not allowed to apply for reentry.
6. Dropping out
(1) Graduate students will be asked to drop out of school in one of the following circumstances
A.Fail course within trial learning period;
B.Several accumulated failures of courses during study and should drop out according to the third paragraph of Article 2;
C.Fail to finish study within the longest length of schooling (including suspension of schooling) prescribed by school;
D.Fail to apply for reentry two weeks after expiry of the suspension or the reentry application is unqualified after evaluation;
E.Fail to continue to study on campus for illness or accident disability confirmed by designated hospitals;
F.Absent from education and teaching activities prescribed by school for two consecutive weeks without asking for leave;
G.Fail to register on stipulated time of school without proper cause;
H.Considered to be inappropriate to pursue study by supervisors under their guidance and they have made written application of giving up guidance; supervisors still cannot be altered on campus after investigation and coordination by college and relevant functional departments;
I.Fail in mid-term evaluation;
J.Apply for dropping out of school personally.
(2) Graduate students applying for withdrawal personally are allowed to drop out of school with consent of supervisor, discipline and college as well as approval from graduate school.
For graduate students who are allowed to drop out of school for various reasons, SHU deals with it according to corresponding withdrawal procedures and presents relevant files to students involved. If university fails to contact students involved, announcing on school bulletin is regarded as notification of students involved. In the meantime, it will be registered on relevant websites of student information management of the country.
(3) For withdrawal handling of graduate students, the decision is made by principal through meeting discussion after listening to the statement and defense of graduate students and their agents except for the withdrawal application made by graduate students themselves. For graduate students dropping out of school, SHU issues dropout decision letter and delivers it to the students, and meanwhile submits to Shanghai Municipal Education Commission for the record. And as for the Chinese Scholarship Students, the materials should be submitted to the China Scholarship Council.
Graduate students who are withdrawn should deal with withdrawal and leaving procedures within two weeks. For those fail to deal with procedures within the prescribed time, university should notify their relatives to deal with it for them. For graduate students who suffer from illness (including accidental disablement) which do not conform to physical examination standard such as mental disorder, their legal guardian or immediate relatives are responsible for taking them back.
(4) During the study, if students are dead in accident, illness or lose contact with school over a year, their registration status is terminated automatically.
7. Graduation, Completion and Incompletion
(1) Graduate students are approved to graduate and conferred certificate of graduation after they complete contents stipulated in teaching training program within prescribed length of study, complete the study of courses and required links with qualified result, finish graduation thesis and passing defense, and satisfy graduation requirement for morals, intelligence and physical fitness. Students will be issued Degree Certificate if they conform to the condition of degree conferment.
(2) Graduate students who complete contents stipulated in teaching training program within prescribed longest period of schooling, finish graduation theses but don’t pass defense and fail to reach graduation requirement can apply for completion of study for a certificate of completion. They will be issued certificate of graduation after submitting graduation theses which satisfy the graduation requirement of that year and passing defense within two years after completion of study and the longest period of study. The date of graduation on certificate of graduation is filled out according to the date of issuing certificate.
(3) Students who obtain certificate of graduation and conform to relevant regulations of Degree regulations of the People's Republic of China and Shanghai University Degree Conferment Detailed Rules of Implementation will be conferred degree and degree certificate.
(4) Students who have pursued study over a year and drop out of school automatically for failure to complete contents prescribed in education teaching program are issued certificate of incompletion.
(5) The academic certificate of graduate students implements electronic registration management. The certificate of graduation and certificate of completion issued each year will be reported to Shanghai Municipal Education Commission for evaluation, registration and for the record of Ministry of Education.
(6) If certificate of graduation, certificate of completion, certificate of incompletion and degree certificate are lost or damaged, graduate school may issue corresponding certificate after receiving the application of students. Certificate and original certificate are equally authentic.
(7) Graduate students need to finish leaving procedures and receive degree certificate within a month after defense of their theses.

Section Two Campus Order and Extracurricular Activities
8. School maintains the normal order of campus and guarantee the normal study and life of students.
9. Students should voluntarily abide by civic moral standard, Shanghai University Campus Public Order Security Regulations, jointly creating civilized, neat, beautiful and safe learning and living environment. They are not allowed to have behaviors in violation of public order regulations such as excessive drinking, fighting, gambling, drug taking, dissemination, copying, and selling of illegal periodicals and audio-visual products, etc; they are not allowed to take part in illegal pyramid sale and carry out heresy and feudalistic and superstitious activities; they are not allowed to engage in or participate in activities that damage the image of graduate students and social morality.
10. No organization or individual shall conduct religious activities on campus.
11. Graduate students can organize and participate in student organization on campus. In terms of founding student organization, graduate students must present written application including purpose, charter, activity content, form and person in charge and more, and report after getting approval from College of International Exchange. Student organization should hold activities within the scope of constitution, laws and regulations and school management system and accept the leadership and management of school.
12. SHU advocates and supports graduate students and organizations of graduate students to hold activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health such as academic activity, science and technology, art, entertainment, sport, etc.
Extracurricular activities must be carried out on the condition that they do not affect the normal education and teaching order and life order of school.
13. SHU encourages, supports and directs graduate students to participate in social practice, social service and carry out work-study activity and offers necessary help according to practical situation.
International postgraduate students must abide by entry and exit management laws and regulations and management system of school and employment unit and perform agreement relating to work-study activities when they participate in work-study activities.
14. Graduate students must gain approval according to process of law and relevant regulations when they hold large assembly, procession and demonstration activities. Participation of large assembly, procession and demonstration activities and so on without approval is forbidden.
15. Graduate students must abide by relevant provisions of use of internet of country and Management of Campus Computer Information Internet Use for Students of Shanghai University when they use computer network.
16. Learning and living places like library, reading room, classroom, studio, laboratory, sports and entertainment venues, dining hall, accommodation belong to property of country. Graduate students are responsible for cherishing and protecting them and compensating for losses.
17. Graduate students should abide by Shanghai University College Gate Management System and accept management of gatekeepers when they come in and go out school and receive visitors on campus.
18. Graduate students should abide by relevant provisions such as Shanghai University Student Dormitory Regulations, and actively cooperate with management personnel of community to maintain the order of student dormitory.

Section Three Reward and Punishment
19. Students who are prominent in study, scientific creation, physical exercise and social service will be honored and awarded by college and university.
20. The commendation and rewards for graduate students include various forms of mental encouragement or material rewards such as conferment of title of “merit student” or other honorable titles, scholarships, etc.
21. For students with illegal and irregular and prohibited behaviors, school may give criticism and education or disciplinary action depending on the seriousness (see Shanghai University Graduate Students Disciplinary Action Regulations, Shanghai University Graduate Students Cheating and Frauds in Examinations Delimitation and Punishment Provision)
22. Disciplinary action is classified into:
(2)Serious warning;
(3)Recording of demerit;
(4)Disciplinary probation
(5)Expulsion from academic status
The period of disciplinary probation is a year. Graduate students receiving disciplinary probation can relieve with remarkable progress within a year and those who refuse to correct their errors despite repeated education will be expelled from academic status.
23. University is eligible to expel students who are in one of the following circumstances:
A Violate China's Constitution, destroy the stability and unity, and disturb social order;
B Offend China's national law and constitute criminal offense;
C Violate public order regulations and receive punishment with vicious nature;
D Ask others to take examinations on behalf of them, take examinations on behalf of others, organize cheating, cheat by using communication equipment and have other severe cheating behaviors;
E Plagiarize research result of others in serious cases;
F Violate provision of university and severely affect education and teaching order, life order, and order administration in public places, encroach on legal interest of other individuals and organizations and cause severe results;
G Violate provisions of university several times and receive disciplinary actions, but refuse to correct errors after education.
24. When performing disciplinary action on graduate students, the university needs to ensure just procedure, sufficient evidence, clear basis, accurate positioning, and appropriate punishment.
25. Before deciding on a disciplinary measure for graduate students, the university should listen to the statement and defense of students and their agents.
26. Decision on expulsion from academic status for graduate students must be made by principals through meeting discussion.
27. Punishment made on graduate students should be accompanied by penalty decision letter issued by university and delivered to students involved. Penalty decision letter of expulsion from academic status for graduate students should be reported to Shanghai Municipal Education Commission for the record.
28. Penalty decision letter for graduate students includes punishment and punishment facts, reasons and basis. Notifying graduate students that they can lodge a complaint and informing them of the deadline of complaint.
Please refer to Shanghai University Student Complaint Treatment Method for specific complaint matters
29. For materials on reward and punishment of graduate students, university should incorporate them into documentary archives of university and personal archives genuinely and entirely.

Section Four Supplementary Articles
30. The right of interpretation of these regulations is reserved to SHU graduate college and graduate student department of CPC committee of Shanghai University.
31. These regulations shall go into effect on the date of promulgation. The regulations of other relevant documents inconsistent with the regulations above are subject to these regulations.



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